It is autumn again. The mushrooms are mushrooming, children can again pick up chestnuts and leaves fall from the trees. For photographers this is a great moment to the great outdoors with a digital camera. Autumn is a good time to shoot, because the colors in nature are beautiful. We give some tips to beautiful autumn pictures.
Fall Photo Tips - Choose the right time: the golden hour
at the golden hour, at the end of the day before the sun goes down; you can see the beautiful pictures in the fall. The light then ensures that the red and brown colors are more vivid. Very early in the morning, just after sunrise the light is very beautiful.
Fall Photo Tips - Choose the right balance
is the white balance to "cloudy". This ensures that the colors come alive. This setting provides a slightly warmer result than the ordinary daylight mode. In autumn you can use this good!
Fall Photo Tips - Finishing
With photo editing programs like Photoshop, iPhoto or even Preview, it is possible to change the colors of the photo to adjust. You can increase the color saturation and what the picture may be slightly more exposure. Also it is often good to the contrast of the foreground something to carry, especially if you're photographing subjects in fine detail, such as leaves with veins or a mushroom with dots.
Fall Photo Tips - Choose a special composition
Photos are much more interesting if you are a non-ordinary composition chosen. Photograph a mushroom from the bottom again (now it can be very easy with all those SLR with swivel LCD screens), take a picture of swirling leaves (choose a fast shutter speed) or create a silhouette image of a child in the forest. Be creative and play with composition. Also consider the particular forms that trees and branches and sometimes observe details.
Fall Photo Tips - Snow is good!
On cloudy days the sun filters fewer colors in your picture, so you can expect just deeper colors. Put your camera away when the sun is not shining here, but just pull it out. Finishing can help increase the exposure and color saturation to perfection.