Canon announces how it can with some models of the EOS 650D, which between 31 May and 27 June were made in 2012, coming to a discoloration of the rubber surface. A study and analysis was by the rubber manufacturer to the conclusion that ziram is the substance that leads to the whitish color of the rubber surface. Canon offers a free repair service for all cameras affected by this problem.
The amount of this substance was found on the individual cameras should be minimal. Ziram is not according to Canon used in the preparation. However, the amount of rubber accelerator that was used in the affected cases, slightly higher than usual. Consequently, the rubberized grips due to a chemical reaction with the rubber accelerators and other substances, white color. Depending on the sensitivity of the person, the contact with this substance, but in rare cases causes an allergic skin reaction.
Based on the serial number of each buyer can determine if a camera is affected by this problem. All other information can be found on the Canon website in the support area.